MB nak cerita satu sad story ni huhu...kan masa tu MB mintak jpa, then...baru ni dia keluar keputusan. MB
Walaupun menimba ilmu dari Malaysia je but note this, rezeki Allah yang tentukan! Success is mine, insyaAllah!
Walaupun menimba ilmu dari Malaysia je but note this, rezeki Allah yang tentukan! Success is mine, insyaAllah!
May Allah ease everything that we do. amin.
May Allah ease everything and gives us barakah and hidayah taufiq, aamiin.
Nanti kat matriks or asasi, kena ada banyak baju kurung ah. Takkan nak pergi kelas pakai t-shirt kut. So, may Allah ease everything :D
For the record, 5 more years later, I'll do my duty as a "pengundi". May Allah ease everything. smile.
Give non-muslim a better expression on Islam. Healthy muslim can work better than the sick one. So, take action and do better :D
Just hope for the best leader for our country! jangan sampai ukhuwah kita terputus dek kerana perbezaan pendapat. different opinion is good when both side can contribute together. Smile :D
I hate those people yang jaga binatang then waktu dia dah tua, main buang macam kain buruk!! You shouldn't take it the first place and now it's relying to you...pity that cat.
I hope this birthday will be awesome and full of nice and good things, weather it's physically or mentally judged.