August 31, 2013

Plasma Membrane the movie


Orite. Hari ini my group buat video biology about Plasma Membrane. Tough day but it brings up good memory. hehe. Btw, selamat hari Merdeka!!

This is us

At first janji pukul 8 pagi. Haa, kau. Bangun pukul 8 setengah. Itupun sebab bear call. Izzah dah siap sempat balik rumah dia balik. Feel bad for her. Then, yang paling lambat waida. After the long wait, akhirnya, kami start ekspedisi kami dalam membikin video tersebut. I was the camerawoman muhehehe *flip table* Then buatlah video cam biasa semua. Tapi macam berterabur sikitlah. Harap dorang paham *sigh* Then, cam ada satu part tu kena guna makanan, so we decided to go to mc'd nearby. Wait and wait, satu habuk bas pun takde. Hujan pulak tu. So, naik teksi. Planning on having two trip sebab 8 orang, idoklah muat satu teksi tu. Then, satu trip dah pergi. Bear, izzah, dayah, fatin amira. Yang tertinggal ni tunggu teksi tu macam nak gila. Dahlah that time tersangatlah lapar. Long story short, kitorang pesan kat dorang je and tunggu kat surau laki fsk 1,5 wahaha. Masa tu, kitorang sort of having deep conversation. Another side of syazwan revealed. Then, aina and waida have the same thought about someone. We're having heart to heart talk wakaka. Then, dorang balik bagi makanan semua and believe me, that's the best moment ever :') Then sambung buat video. Habis tu, semua balik kepenatan mendaki tangga palam yang sangatlah mencabar ketahanan diri. 

So that's it uolls.

our work has been eased by Allah today. Alhamdulillah. Video? Hope it comes out well. Amin

August 27, 2013

That very sad moment


it have been a hectic week recently. Phew. With all the projects and assignment until you dont even know where to start first. When you want to start doing it, you got a new-freshly-baked problem which is, what the fish is the questions given. Then, you were like wandering around and procrastinating. Tweeting and facebooking. Virtually talking with random people and then at the very last moment you cry...hmmmm. Believe me, I know this feeling very well.

At the same time need to catch up with subjects. Hmmmmmmmm. Thats all folks. 


Ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu ini untuk menghadapi segala rintangan dalam kehidupannya sebagai seorang pelajar. Amin.

August 24, 2013

The summary


After this long long time, at last, I managed to open up my and have my own sweet quality time alone. *yeay!* So here some stories I wanted to tell you. Just a 'condensed' type of story *ba-dum-tass* You get he joke if you learn chemistry. What ever. MB dah habis test 1 and I was like very very massively happy, even if it doesn't last long...hmm. Then, my result, ehehehe, so-so kind of marks. And barely fail for biology subject. 1/2 marks only. I was like pasrah jelah. Then, my friend was so eager to find that half mark. Eventually, he found one. Yes he's a he; Muhammad Hazwan Asyraf. Proudly declare bout him hoho but well good guys always taken. Sorry uolls XD *flip table* Chemistry and mathematics make me realize that you need to study the scheme. Like way seriously, I-am-not-joking kind of seriously. Physics, Alhamdulillah, berkat ajaran sifu-boyfriend-kawan MB. And then, one of my best lecturer moved out to further studies in UK under UIA scholarship. May Allah ease everything for Miss Azaima. Big hugs and kisses for her. And then, I found a new crush. ihiks. Kbye. After that, some issues had happened about misunderstanding of crush-crush bagai *not me* but someone close to me. I dont know whose fault but yeah, that's why it is a misunderstanding. Nobody fault. And then, nothing much. Just a same old thing happen everyday. Being a superwoman every morning sebab lambat bangun haha, then belajar, tak paham, buat dek, menggelabah masa periksa, buat assignment, mencarut sebab tak boleh bukak adobe reader cam sakai, and then have my own beauty sleep muhahaha. That's all. Seems to be long enough.


Wish me luck for my upcoming test 2. And really hope it will be nice to me. Amin

August 3, 2013

Finding my way back

*Warning content: This post will be more to emo than my usual kind of post*


Pejam celik pejam celik, syawal is arriving while ramadan is leaving us, soon. Rasa sedih sebab this year Ramadan MB tak productive langsung. Everything tungang terbalik u know. This few weeks, I felt everything I did is just so wrong. I dont even know what's wrong. Bad thing happened to me, like a lot. Mungkin ini tandanya MB jauh dari Allah :'< Astaghfirullah. Tahun ni ramadan first yang tak cukup solat terawih, tak boleh bangun qiam, terlajak subuh. I hate this feeling. Feeling tak sedap setiap kali duduk sorang-sorang. Rasa macam nak gila pun ada. Ini serious talk punya. I just dont have the mood nak buat apa-apa. Test punya pasal tidur pukul 3. Lab report, assignment, dan seangkatan dengannya. Ended up, I feel like I hate the whole asasi thing. Frankly speaking I'm stressed up. Do you know that moment you have to find Hidayah, and yet you failed. That's close to what I feel.

I hope I can settle things down and return myself to Allah. Secepat yang mungkin. Amin