October 21, 2013



Seperti yang telah saya bagitahu sebelum ni, saya punya speaking test MUET 21 oct. Maka dengan ini saya dengan sukacita menyatakan bahawa saya telah selamat menjalaninya pagi tadi. *menari breakdance* ahaha. Saya lebih rela mula cepat, sebab habis cepat ekeke. Dan sekarang semua orang tengah menggelabah nak MUET sedangkan saya boleh berjimba dah. This is life! Jadi sekarang saya ceritakan pengalaman saya hari ni.

Saya datang dengan Kak aisyah. Bergerak pukul 7 pagi. Sampai ke SMK(P) Methodist Klang. Menjejakkan kaki di pintu pagar. Jadi, nak ke mana? There's not even a single bloody direction where to go to. Tanya budak kat situ. Pengawas mungkin. "muet kat mana?" "saya tak tahu, cuba tanya pejabat". Saya pergi pejabat. Oh okay. Tak ada orang. Saya tanya ada sorang teacher tu, then dia cakap nanti ada orang inform. Okay. So, saya keluar dari pejabat tu. Ergh, so awkward. Saya terdengar ada akak tu cakap pasal muet, jadi saya follow lah. So there they are. All the pretty ladies yang nak buat MUET. Okay. So. Okay. Pintu tak boleh bukak. Everyone was so awkward. So. So. Kemudian pintu bukak and that's how things start. Kitorang duduk kat library. Kemudian saya dapat group saya setelah berapa minit tunggu. Sambil tunggu giliran, sempat berbual dengan le member of my group. I'm the youngest person there. Woah me! Bila dah sampai giliran tu, saya jadi candidate c. Saya pun okay. Economic's success is affected by healthcare system. What the heaven?! Macam mana nak elaborate ni mek? Saya mengarut jelah. basically mengarut ada limit time dia, so I just manage to used up only a minute of my two minute time to talk session. As my friend said earlier, rezeki. Sebab dia dapat point education. Yeah. And one thing I dont understand is that, why people tend to have their own point. Let's just move on can't ya? I mean, it's not like you're losing or anything. It's just a freaking discussion that you wouldn't get anything from it. Seriously. And somehow, we need to make it come to an end. Lepas habis tu, saya pun keluar. Say babai to everyone and may everyone have a good day. I took some pictures but not my selfie. I dont really like selfie especially when nobody joining my selfie. Just a random pictures there. kemudian, umi datang setengah jam kemudian, mungkin. Saya pun balik

So that's my story guys, really want to know yours. Sincerely me.
And now Adios

October 20, 2013

Friends forever.


Today I want to give a special post for a friend of mine. Specifically a best friend. Her name is Aisyah Shukeri. She is the someone I've known for a long time. Since primary school I guess. She's nice, cute, pious but never admit it. daa. She wouldn't be so pious if she admit it. She's crazy too. That make her sounds more human, yes? Btw, I made a surprise call to her just now. And as usual she was like "AINUL!?" and then my sister was looking at me as if I was on loudspeaker. Haha. We talked. And she will be having her STAM exam. Best of luck aisyah. For your info, I like her, a lot. She gave me good advices too. To be a better muslimah. Although now we're far apart, but hey, we still can contact each other. Not everyday, just a few minute to know a bit about our well-being. She want to further studies in Syariah while my passion is to dentistry. I really hope she'll be doing that course as now I really need consultation on hows and whys about fiqh and whatsoever. This thing have gotten vital and compulsory as people make their own hadis and act like the Chosen One, Nauzubillah. Internet is the fastest way to spread this thing so, if I don't know whether it's true or not, I can ask her. Isn't it simple? Then, if it is true, then and only then, I'll spread the info. Sharing is caring hehe.

Semoga Allah memberkati ukhuwah kami dan berpanjangan hingga ka akhirat kelak. Amin.


October 18, 2013


Okay hye folks, friends and family. I will having my MUET speaking test this Monday, 21st october 2013 at SMK Methodist(P) Klang. Sheesh. I really have a bad time since I act like a genius girl sebab tak bawak balik buku. Ended up, me sobbing alone in the darkness for not knowing what's what and etc. While my friends happily reading the book. Okay, enaf with the emo talking. Eventually, I search some internet-based muet lesson. I mean, at the very least, I can learned new things. For the record, I dont usually read book so this internet thing give me everything without the needing to finish the whole book. I felt like a super-genius by thinking like that. And you know what 'genius' I meant right? whatever. So, I'm prepared, maybe. So just pray for the best. Getting band 4, at least. hehe. To achieve my goal. becoming a dentist. Amin.

So that's it guys. Follow my update,

October 13, 2013

Beloved myow-chan

today I want to give a post about my cute little myow-chan who has passed away recently. I'm very sorry for not being there besides you, myow. I think I can accept this fact as I really don't want you to suffer with your diseases. I only hope I can be there when the time has come. But...it's just a dream now.

Masa tu, saya tengah dalam exam week, rasanya. Subuh tu saya dapat mesej dari kak Aisyah. "myow dah mati". Saya terus bangun. Nak telefon kak Aisyah. Tak dapat. Baca balik mesej tu. Baca balik. Telefon umi. Yup. Myow is dead. Umi cerita balik yang malam tu dia dah nazak. Kaki dia dah keras. Umi dah nangis malam tu. Umi bagi dia sejadah sedap umi. Dia suka duduk atas sejadah tu. Comelnya myow. Umi rasa nak nangis so umi malas nak cerita panjang. So, saya pun cakap babai kat umi. Saya menangis gila-gila. Tengok gambar-gambar myow. Memang jadi penambah perisa -_-" Memang terus segar pagi tu.

Saya cuma sempat mandikan dia sabtu or ahad minggu tu. And I cried for seeing her bad condition. Now, everyone seems to be ignoring my question about myow chan when I got back. Sad atmosphere detected. Tears. Waiting to fall down our cheeks. I'm crying now. So that's it then.

Myow-chan will always in our heart forever and more. Thank you Allah for giving me the chance to love her.


October 11, 2013

sem 1 asasi sains


so habis sudah sem 1 asasi sains. alhamdulillah. So apa kata sekarang saya menggamit memori. wewooo. Jom melihat budak budak yang telah masuk ke dalam dunia saya di Uitm Puncak Alam. Let's get the party started

waida, syazwan 


partner in physics; sam


dayah, izzah, atiqah

This is my classmates. Budak-budak A8 yang ohsem. Jatuh bangun bersama. But somehow some people aren't that great. Saya terima je sebab saya tahu takde orang sempurna. I'll try to accept their flaws and hope they accept mine. Just somehow.

And this the most part of my life in palam have been. Memperkenalkan house mates saya. Allysha, maz, nabilah, azraa, wani, athirah dan yana. Mereka mewarnai hidupku. Sangatlah bersyukur kerana dapat mereka. Sebab ada orang yang cakap tak semua house mates baik. Tapi saya dapat. Alhamdulillah. Have lots to talk about them, but idea didn't go out well to be written. So that's it.

 Thanks for reading. 

October 10, 2013



hello uolls! miss me?? hehe. k shaddap me. Eksaited much. Saya nak cakap yang saya ni dah habis exam. Sebelum ni kan saya cakap saya exam, jadi selepas beberapa minggu merana, akhirnya, I'm free!! weee. *flip table secara berjemaah* Kemudian, untuk mengisi masa lapang di Palam ini, bilik 2307 bercadang untuk ke sunway. Sewa kereta. Bertolak pukul 10.

at secret recipe
Makan tengahari di secret recipe. Saya order vietnam what the nama panjang gila. Masin. Tapi, masa tu macam lapar gila so sedut jelah. Membazir kang nanti. Azraa pulak kenalkan macam-macam kat kitorang. Crispy popiah, pizza-cone concept, and auntie anne. Seriously, each time nampak benda-benda tu, I'll remember her. After that, kitorang solat. Gedebak gedebuk, kitorang teruskan acara dengan laser tag.

Seronok sangat. Tapi kan macam apa je. Tudung saya bercahaya dalam tu, sebab warna dia terang sangat. Spoil. Selalu mati. But hey, I have fun though. Running all over the place. Bajet jadi penembak pro wakaka. Dorang macam duduk kat situ je. Lain orang lain kan~ Kitorang main dengan budak kuliah saya. Panjang ceritanya. I make it short, dua orang masuk pihak kitorang. Lawan jiran kitorang ekeke.

Lepas tu, kitorang hantar Yana dengan athirah kat klang sentral. Got lost sekejap sebab driver tak pernah pergi ke situ. Almaklumlah rumah dekat je. Naik kereta je balik. Peluk cium and say goodbye. Sebak kut. Balik tu dorang sume balik. Sorang-sorang. Maz, allysha, azraa. 

happy birthday semua!
Malam tu pulak kelas saya buat farewell party so kitorang makan kek. Ada krim lebih tu dorang main calit-calit kat muka orang haha. Ezzat buat saya marah so, saya ambil plastik tisu kfc, kumpul krim-krim yang tak dimakan, hah kau. setempek kat tangan dia haha. Dia try kejar but hey, impossible! Then, dia cakap dia nak merajuk. Saya pun datanglah kat dia. Takut lah pulak. He's a nice guy so tak nak lah buat dia marah. then, dia amik pisau kek, amik krim kek. I was like, nooooo!! terkena lah beg baju tangan. Lagi banyak. Saya kejar dia balik. Then, as I said before, he's a nice guy. Dia cakap sori haha. coolblog on his sem 2 nanti. 

Habis tu saya balik. rumah kosong. Tinggal saya, nabilah dengan wani. Wani balik subuh esoknya. Saya dengan nabilah balik malamnya. Lepas solat maghrib. Akhirnya. At home!!

Panjang post hari ni. Glad you read it sampai habis. Thanks. Luv ya.