December 28, 2014

masalah utama

Dan ketahuilah yang musuh ketat kita adalah diri sendiri, yang lain cuma menyibuk. Dan silapla kita kalau salahkan syaitan. Sebab dorang tu bisik je kat kita. Bukan dia arahkan kita secara paksaan fizikal. Yang tu pun kita kecundang, malang sekali. I get that from twitter, but I don’t know who hehe.

Masalah demi masalah timbul tapi semua berpunca dari diri sendiri. To feel safe we just need to blame someone out of it, right, instead of salahkan diri sendiri. Masalah surrounding la, masalah pemimpin dan system, masalah rumah tangga. Where should we find the strength to break that kind of thinking of human nature? Shouldn’t we have that urge to be rebellious and strong? Well, rules are meant to be broken. But no, we still in that same phase of thinking and hoping for that small possibility of bright future to come to us.

Mengenai banjir ni pulak dan baru baru ni flight hilang. Ya, memang kita kena risau. Tapi, risau kita pun kemana. Saya rasa macam lebih kepada tengok twitter, facebook, instagram, berita, tv, internet, risau, baring, tidur, and same thing happen tomorrow. We can’t actually deal with things that go beyond our power. Our capability to change something is very limited. Orang buat maksiat pun tak tegur. So, nak cakap kat sini, lebih baik kita pikir dari sekarang macam mana nak jadi lebih baik. Doa. Nak jadi sukarelawan, ha bagusla. Tapi tunggu masa tu. Masa yang kau boleh sumbangkan tenaga kau. Kalau duduk risau, cakap-cakap, salahkan itu ini, tak payah la. Study kau kemana, musibah still happen.

Kekuatan kita sekarang adalah doa. Semoga diberikan ketenangan jiwa, kesihatan tubuh badan, kelengkapan barang barang. Semoga kita bersabar dengan segala ujian yang diberikan. Allah takkan menguji hamba-Nya kalau dia tak mampu. Allah memang buat plan yang hebat dah. Kerja kita cuma, find out why it happens, what in benefit will you get.

Maaf jika ada yang tidak boleh menerima dan menganggap ini benda ni mengguris perasaan. Harap bersabar dan tabah. Ujian korang mungkin banjir, ujian aku mungkin benda lain. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan korang semua.

December 27, 2014

life lesson

I just realized that this sem is almost over. Homai. Shall we recheck what we did throughout this wonderful sem (: (acah)

Plagiarism. I’ve known this since asasi. Lecturers keep repeating the same thing until it reached to the bottom layer of my cerebrum. Just kidding. From what I know, plagiarism is how we didn’t acknowledge the researcher, by copying the research and so on so on. Google it. Don’t be such a lazy brat. Satu lagi, ada link untuk plagiarism checker. Benda ni untuk check sama ada isi Plagiat atau tak. Silap gila aku tak guna. Dem. Dr and lecturer sekarang pun dah bijak IT la come on. You earn what you did, unless miracle happen. Kita kena sedar Allah yang Maha memberi rezeki. Hehe.

One more tips from me, since gonna finish my first sem yeay, Don’t panic. Kalau tak semua KELAUT. Relax, take a deep breath, and work until you die. We live to work man unless you’re from some rich family, waiting for the company shares to be yours. But actually, no, rich person should be having more pressure as you are on your own if the company collapsed or whatsoever. It’s not that easy to become a wealthy person.

Talking about wealth, how youth this day spend money they didn’t even earn. Not blaming anyone, but yeah, somehow I can’t really see that bright future of us, when it comes our turn to become leader. But, never mind, a leader shouldn’t be that person, won’t even be nominated. I hope so.

Back to our topic today, group work is the most stressful activity I’ve ever done so far. There’s always someone who works the most and some who work the least. But, I keep my lecturers opinion that, it’s life, whether you want to take the risk or not. It shouldn’t be even a problem if you manage to solve it. Tak puas hati lagi? Okay, tuntut kat akhirat nanti. Ni sure tak boleh lepas. But, we shouldn’t be mean right. Let’s just pretend that in that cold heart of yours, there’s some warmth in it. Or maybe just pretend you’re helping your friend to help you. Isn’t that sound nicer?

The best part of everything, I’m so grateful for the lesson I’ve learnt. Also, I’m grateful for the ups and downs, and the mental support. Btw, I’m applying for komander. Yes, shit just got real man hahaha. Doakan saya please. I once read that, nothing comes coincidently. Maybe this mistake is the best for me. Idk man. Doakan jelah…Thanks

p/s: hai kawan degree. Dah pergi main jauh jauh.