sebagai seorang penganggur yang berpengalaman untuk beberapa bulan ni, I've using my time to watch movies and etc. One of it is as you see the picture.
One litre of tears
It's about a girl name aya got some brain disease make her lost control of her body until she was bedridden. Day by day it getting worse and worse. Challenges burden her and each day she will write in her diary. Her writing getting harder because of the disease. She cant control her body well. and etc etc etc real story actually. But, exaggerated a bit by the love scene with asou and people.
Cerita sedih meyh. Nangis confirm. So kalau ada feeling nak layan emosi sikit tengoklah agaga, best layan emosi sometimes. Make you realize that everyone has their own way of facing challenge. Susah cari laki macam asou. Kalau jumpa sorang pergh! saya yang mintak kawin dengan dia XD eheheh lagu ost dia pun best meyh~ Membara semangat dengar lagu dia. huargh!
Scene yang paling best;
aww, dying in ke-terharu-an |
That's it.
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