July 20, 2013
Test 1
I want to make a short story for today. I'm going to have physics and math test in 24th july while bio and chm in 31st july. wish me luck everyone. Really need it like seriously. I'm scared because I felt as if I wasnt learning anything. Tak paham satu hal, tak tahu apa yang tak paham satu lagi hal. Apa kebendanyo eh? For this weekends, I just hope that MB sempat mendapat hidayah untuk menjawab segala ketidakpahaman. amin. Then, alang-alang di bulan puasa ni, MB nak tingkatkan segala segi tidak baik diri MB kepada baik insyaAllah. Nak latih balik diri setelah 11 bulan dilatih syaitan. Pray for me. Then, MB jumpa some guy yang cute, but then I rethink, hishh zina hati. So, I'm trying to get rid of this. INI SEMUA POYO. haha Other than that, not much to say. Just, MB rindu my family. Jumpa raya nanti insyaAllah. Miss you guys so much xoxo.
Semoga MB dapat bertahan dengan segala dugaan yang menimpa.
July 13, 2013
Save my imaan
okay everybody, the next and the other next week, I'll be having my test 1 *I'm doomed* Kay, keep calm keep calm. I will just try my best for it. Semoga Allah menerima usaha MB sebagai satu ibadah. Amin. Then, MB rasa macam bersalah sangat. I felt like something went wrong. I lost something. hmm. I think that's because I'm very very lalai dan leka sekarang. Sibuk sangat dengan asasi punya kerja and neglect my own responsibility as a muslimah. Astaghfirullah. I started to hate people for no reason *kay tipu* I easily
May this ramadan change me better than I am before. Amin
July 12, 2013
The third week -.-
hola semua...sekarang sudah masuknya bulan ramadan. Marhaban ya Ramadan :D Sekrang ni MB masih tak rse lagi auranya. Maybe dah nak minggu kedua ketiga tu baru rasa *eh?* btw, it has been about three month I didn't go back home. Last week, I have activity for usahawan muda and you know, it's all about keshing keshing xD, and for today, the day that I'm actually planning on going back yet, I'm still here in PALAM. Why? Abuya cakap jangan balik malam malam sangat and bas tak smpi lagi masa 6.30 ptg tadi. So I decided to walk away and leave the bus stop and head home *to my home in PALAM* isk isk. Dahlah hujan, but cam renyai-renyai jelah. I was like walking like a boss dalam hujan-hujan tu. tak tahan betul bila pikiaq balik. Abuya called and ask me whether I want to go home coz abuya can fetch me after 8. But then I thought that membazir gila minyak datang sini. So, MB ignore jelah perasaan nak balik tu. Maybe there's hikmah behind all this *still searching* hmm. MB cakap nanti ahad umi abuya datang so, takpelah. At least, I can see them *akhirnya* Homesick tetiba. Kepada sesiapa yang balik, semoga anda berbahagia selalu dirumah. For those yang tak balik sebab jauh mungkin...sabar eh. Setiap orang rezeki lain-lain. Dan balik ke rumah bukan rezeki kita lagi isk isk *shaddap MB*
Whatever happens, keep calm and pray! Semoga keberkatan ramadan dapat digunakan semaksima mungkin. Tingkatkan amal dan beristiqamah melakukannya.
Ya Allah, permudahkanlah quiz, test yang bakal kami hadapi. Berilah kami petunjuk dikala kami menemui jalan buntu. Kuatkanlah ingatan kami untuk kami belajar ilmu-ilmuMu. Amin
July 3, 2013
Turning point
For the time being, I'm actually facing what you call my turning point. Where I felt insecure and sad and lonely and etc. I don't know why but somehow it's because my mind isn't thinking about Allah. Astaghfirullah. Sejak bila ni? Hmm. Entahlah. And btw, I want to tell you that I'm taking myself back. The old me. MB sedar yang semua anggap MB lemah just based on how I talk. Memang tak ah. You're so messing with the wrong person dudets. I'm typing all of this angrily FYI *flip meja* I don't want to talk about it. I'm afraid that I might blow off by the time my mouth started to speak, the inconvenient words flow like air kumbahan. Jadi, I'll stay shut and let the actions speak for me. Hmm. One more things, I'll take our Phrophet Muhammad as a role model. He faced everything and worse yet, he can put a smile on his face. He is among the happiest person in the world *like yeah!* Tetiba sedih sebab tak berkesempatan untuk bertemu baginda. Ya Allah, sedihnya. Allahumma solli Ala Saiyidina Muhammad! Thanks gak kat umi sebab call untuk mendengar cerita sedih MB *I'm missing you* And also, Bro Aiman Azlan, for giving me inspiration and mood enhancer. What the ayat? Kay, whatever. Someday, I'll be someone like him, insyaAllah. For the time being, I'll just go with the flow, yeah!
Ya Allah, lancarkanlah kata-kataku untuk menegakkan yang hak dan batil. Kau kuatkanlah iman aku supaya aku sentiasa mengingatimu. Amin.
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