July 3, 2013

Turning point


For the time being, I'm actually facing what you call my turning point. Where I felt insecure and sad and lonely and etc. I don't know why but somehow it's because my mind isn't thinking about Allah. Astaghfirullah.   Sejak bila ni? Hmm. Entahlah. And btw, I want to tell you that I'm taking myself back. The old me. MB sedar yang semua anggap MB lemah just based on how I talk. Memang tak ah. You're so messing with the wrong person dudets. I'm typing all of this angrily FYI *flip meja* I don't want to talk about it. I'm afraid that I might blow off by the time my mouth started to speak, the inconvenient words flow like air kumbahan. Jadi, I'll stay shut and let the actions speak for me. Hmm. One more things, I'll take our Phrophet Muhammad as a role model. He faced everything and worse yet, he can put a smile on his face. He is among the happiest person in the world *like yeah!* Tetiba sedih sebab tak berkesempatan untuk bertemu baginda. Ya Allah, sedihnya. Allahumma solli Ala Saiyidina Muhammad! Thanks gak kat umi sebab call untuk mendengar cerita sedih MB *I'm missing you* And also, Bro Aiman Azlan, for giving me inspiration and mood enhancer. What the ayat? Kay, whatever. Someday, I'll be someone like him, insyaAllah. For the time being, I'll just go with the flow, yeah!

Ya Allah, lancarkanlah kata-kataku untuk menegakkan yang hak dan batil. Kau kuatkanlah iman aku supaya aku sentiasa mengingatimu. Amin.

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