May 4, 2013

use your power to change for better


today nak bagitau esok PRU13. Weee. Ini kali lah! Tapi sebenarnya nak cakap sedikit dekat sesape yang baca blog MB, please, for human sake as a muslim, don't just trust what you see! Before you act, think. Before you judge, find the truth. That's the hardest thing human need to do, yeah I know. I'm a human, duh~ There's rumours saying this and that but unfortunately, it's just one-sided talk. Cuba tengok TV3 paling dekat ah. Pernah tak korang rasa diorang cakap pembangkang baik? Pernah tak dorang puji mungkin sekecil-kecil perkara? Yang dorang tau kutuk je. Perasan tak? Dorang putarbelitkan fakta macam pembangkang is no-good-at-all leader. You can googled it. It's there all the time. Facts is on your own fingertip. Use lah benda tu halamak. okay okay bukan sebab MB nak suruh korang sokong that particular parti, but the thing is, truth must be revealed, and nothing's worth more than honesty. 

No ones's perfect, and it there's only one person, our prophet SAW. There's no other people who can do so. What ever matters, perspectives is always different. Tapi jangan sebab perkara-perkara yang one-side cakap tipu kita, kepercayaan kita hilang. So, keep calm and ini kalilah.

Just hope for the best leader for our country! jangan sampai ukhuwah kita terputus dek kerana perbezaan pendapat. different opinion is good when both side can contribute together. Smile :D

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