March 22, 2014

When the time comes


Hari ni saya balik rumah jap. Hehe. Nak isi upu pada awalnya. Kemudian drag drag drag as usual la. Akibatnya exam ke laut. *echo* Pedulikan semua itu. The thing I want to tell ya is's just touchy.

We went to a restaurant. Big brother dekat seksyen 7. Marvellous. Kenyang. Then, ada satu family ni dia macam ada anak-anak kecil. Anak perempuan dia terjatuhkan air. And her parents macam marah sikit but in a calm mode. Sebab kat public kut. And then, umi mula cakap macam mana kitorang dulu. How my dad got angry. How we got scolded. How my mom try to calm everyone down. How public try to act like nothing happen but kept distracted to us. Each and everyone of us are naughty, like out of this world kind of naughty. But then, my mom survived all that. We have grown up. It have been like 7 years ago, plus minus. And then, no more scary captain as our dad. He is now a father that I can ever think I could have. He has been better now. As for my mom. As usual but more lovely than ever.

The wrinkles has now shown all over their faces. White hair. Back aches. After that, my dad seat at the back. Dia nak tahu macam mana kitorang rasa dulu. Perasaan kitorang apabila dia jaga dulu. Adik saya pun dah besar. Dia mula bercakap macam orang besar. (But we find it so cute) Then, kitorang saje round round kat rumah orang koyo koyo with all that big big houses. Semua cantik-cantik. Tapi, satu je, kalau isi dia sikit, still tak best. Umi dengan abuya sekarang tengah rasa benda yang sama. Diorang tengah berada dalam fasa anak-anak dorang ada masa depan untuk dikejar. Bila kitorang balik, dorang suka sangat. Mana kitorang nak pergi diorang ikut. Walaupun kadang-kadang tak dapat puaskan hati semua orang, but I had fun today.
Dengan tengok umi dengan abuya je. Ini bukan propa tapi cerita sebenar dari hati.

Tetiba terpikir, tak tahu lah nanti macam mana saya habis asasi nanti en. Last-last end up tunggu bas kat fakulti nuh. haish

So itulah cerita saya hari ni. Had fun.

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