October 20, 2013

Friends forever.


Today I want to give a special post for a friend of mine. Specifically a best friend. Her name is Aisyah Shukeri. She is the someone I've known for a long time. Since primary school I guess. She's nice, cute, pious but never admit it. daa. She wouldn't be so pious if she admit it. She's crazy too. That make her sounds more human, yes? Btw, I made a surprise call to her just now. And as usual she was like "AINUL!?" and then my sister was looking at me as if I was on loudspeaker. Haha. We talked. And she will be having her STAM exam. Best of luck aisyah. For your info, I like her, a lot. She gave me good advices too. To be a better muslimah. Although now we're far apart, but hey, we still can contact each other. Not everyday, just a few minute to know a bit about our well-being. She want to further studies in Syariah while my passion is to dentistry. I really hope she'll be doing that course as now I really need consultation on hows and whys about fiqh and whatsoever. This thing have gotten vital and compulsory as people make their own hadis and act like the Chosen One, Nauzubillah. Internet is the fastest way to spread this thing so, if I don't know whether it's true or not, I can ask her. Isn't it simple? Then, if it is true, then and only then, I'll spread the info. Sharing is caring hehe.

Semoga Allah memberkati ukhuwah kami dan berpanjangan hingga ka akhirat kelak. Amin.


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